September 11, 2016: Living Between Grace and Gratitude: Doubt

An audio recording of the sermon from September 11 is

The Scripture readings are Genesis 15:1-21 and Matthew 11:1-6.

“Like many others with the responsibility of preaching on that day, I found on Sunday, September 16, 2001 that it wasn’t necessary to depart from the original plan in order to be given something to say through which God could address our situation. Fifteen years on, many of us continue to think about that previous Tuesday, the 11th. We’re still learning from it. 9/11 opened or re-opened in a new way the question of God’s goodness, power, and faithfulness. People flocked into churches for a few weeks. Some talking heads rushed to say it was a revival. But it wasn’t, of course. It was a search for some sense of meaning in a senseless act of mass violence. And as much as anything it was a desire of people to be together, and the church offered that. As usual, God wasn’t promising to make the pain or the worry just go away. God’s promises remained the same as they always had been.

“That’s what Abram and Sarai learned in the portion of their story we’ve heard this morning.”

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