Living Between Grace and Gratitude: The Gospel According to Abraham and Sarah


On August 21,we will start a new series of sermons, looking at how Abraham and Sarah (in the book of Genesis) handle the ambiguities of life between God and the world. Here is an overview:

“Living Between Grace and Gratitude: The Gospel According to Abraham & Sarah.”

In the book of Genesis, Abraham and Sarah live in the ambiguous space between God’s grace and their own ability to be grateful for it in their lives. They live, at their best, by faith, walking again and again into an unknown future, trying to follow God’s promises, not knowing exactly what that will mean. As often as not they let less positive motivations guide their actions. So they are like most all of us. Their experience of the grace of God, even when they don’t know quite what to make of it, shows us important insights about what God is doing in our lives.

Here is the schedule. Please join us!

August 21: Genesis 11:27-12:9: Call
August 28: Genesis 13:1-18: Ambition
September 4: Genesis 14:8-24: Courage
September 11: Genesis 15:1-21: Doubt
September 18: Genesis 16: Affliction
September 25: Genesis 17: Covenant
October 2: Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7: Laughter
October 9: Genesis 18:16-33: Prayer
October 23: Genesis 22:1-19: Trial
October 30: Genesis 23:1-20 Hope

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