This Week at FPC

Tuesday, Feb. 11 6:00 pm, Cursillo 4th Day (Rodgers Center) 6:30 pm, Session Meeting (Conference Room) Wednesday, Feb. 12 9:30 am, Pottery, (Basement) 6:00 pm, Dayton’s Bible Study (Conference Room) 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 6:30 pm, Choir Practice (Sanctuary) Friday, Feb. 14 Happy Valentine’s Day Sunday, Feb. 16 9:45 am, Sunday School (Various Rooms) 10:30 am, Fellowship … [Read more…]
This Week at FPC 1-21-20

This Week at FPC Tuesday 6:30pm Handbell Choir (Sanctuary) Wednesday 6:00pm Dayton’s Bible Study (Conference Room) (Psalm 27 & 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 & Matthew 4:12-23) 6:30pm Choir Practice (Sanctuary) Sunday 9:45am Sunday School (Various Rooms) 10:30am Fellowship (Rogers’ Center) 11:00am Worship (Sanctuary) Monday 6:00pm N. AL Presbytery’s Men’s Council (Roger’s Center) 6:45pm Music and Worship … [Read more…]
Ballroom Dance Classes

Want to impress that special someone? Looking for a fun and social way to exercise? Ready to move beyond The Chicken Dance and Electric Slide? Come to Revival on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM for an hour of ballroom dance instruction. No partner required – and no experience either! This is a chance for beginners to learn and … [Read more…]
Poke Sallet Follies

Tickets are now on sale at the Senior Center located at 912 West Pryor Street. The 2018 show will depict 200 years of local history and has been endorsed by the Alabama Bicentennial Commission. Cast members include First Presbyterian’s own Larry & Kay Burlingame, Deb Kohlhase and her husband David Foreman. Show dates are March … [Read more…]