Worship God – Serve Others – Make Disciples
Christian Education is provided each Sunday morning from 9:00 till 9:45 a.m. Sunday School at First Presbyterian Church offers a variety of experiences for both children and adults to study and learn about the Word of God. For children, there are classes from Kindergarten age through the high school years. For adults, there are a variety of classes led by dedicated and knowledgeable instructors teaching directly from the Bible or Bible-based curricula.
We remain flexible and are always looking to add more adult and youth classes and activities as the demographic of our congregation continues to change over time.
If you are seeking to learn more about the Bible, the Church, and your faith, then please consider joining one of our exciting classes or Bible studies.
Children And Youth Classes
The age ranges for classes may change over time, as our children age; new classes may be added depending on need as we gain new members. Currently, we have the following classes:
Primary Grades – Grades K through 2nd
Upper Elementary – Grades 3rd through 5th;
Middle School/High School – Grades 6th through 12th

Adult Classes
Young Adult Class – We are looking forward to adding this class in the near future. The Bible-based curriculum will focus on such topics as what it means to be a Christian; defining orthodoxy from a historical as well as biblical perspective; learning about Reformed theology and how the Presbyterian Church fits in this tradition; discerning how we can be true to our faith in a modernist, increasingly secular society; and many other topics relevant to our church and culture.
Parlor Class – A class that has merged with the Richter Bible Class and is led by a husband and wife team which studies a Bible-based curriculum that encourages lively discussions and participation by all class members. This class currently meets in the parlor of the Rodgers Center.

Discussion Class – A class with a wide-range of ages: young and middle-aged adults as well as older adults. The class utilizes church-produced curricula as well as a direct Bible study approach. Duane Counter always comes up with something interesting and edifying.

Elementary Youth
We are in the planning stages for a Wednesday afternoon/ evening program for children ages Kindergarten through 5th grade. This group will meet on Wednesday, late afternoon, at a time TBD. Our children will enjoy learning about our church and faith through stories, crafts, songs, and special congregational visitors.
As we continue to plan and implement this program, up-to-date information will be added.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is held during the summer months for our elementary youth. VBS is conducted during three consecutive afternoons with a special performance for parents and church members on the final day, along with a pizza supper. There is also a special performance by VBS attendees during a worship service. We often partner with a neighboring church for this summertime event.