How We Worship

As You Enter

Expect to be greeted as you enter by an usher who will hand you a bulletin. You may sit wherever there is an empty seat. People will not be upset if you sit in “their seat”; we do not have assigned seats. Our members will rejoice that you are in our sanctuary to worship.

Senior Recognition Sunday, 2023

Music & Hymns

Music and hymns are integral parts of worship and complement the other parts of our worship service. Our hymns and music are edifying to the listener and praise and glorify God.

We have a chancel choir and a handbell choir. The handbell choir performs on special days of the liturgical calendar. On special liturgical days, we may have special music with more instrumentation.

We sing a mix of the old, traditional hymns and some newer hymns as found in our PCUSA Hymnal.

Our Order of Worship

Our liturgy reflects who we are. We worship in a manner that is done “decently and in order.” Our typical service is structured like this:

Welcome and Announcementsminister
Call to Worshipby the liturgist; a responsive reading by the congregation as printed in the bulletin
Call to Confessionliturgist
Printer Prayer of Confessionread corporately by the congregation
Assurance of Pardonminister
Gloria Patri– (“Glory be to the Father, …”)response to God’s grace, sung by the congregation
Passing of the Peace of Christa brief interlude of interaction among congregants
Time with our Young Disciples (children)minister
Prayer of Illuminationliturgist
First Scripture Readingliturgist
Anthemthe Chancel Choir
Second Scripture Readingminister
Affirmation of FaithThe Apostles’ Creed, our response to God’s Word proclaimed
Prayers for the Peopleoffered by the minister, with the Lord’s Prayer
Call to Worship God with Our Offeringminister
Doxology(“Praise God from whom all blessings Flow….. ”)- response sung by the congregation
Prayer of Dedicationminister
Hymn of Sendingcongregation